
How to Fertilize with Spent Coffee Grounds

What's the Deal What's one of the most consumed beverages on this plant?  Coffee! And the spent grounds contain  phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and copper.  How do I know?  Well, Sunset sent a batch over to a soil lab for testing and confirmed it for me and you!  Sunsets claim You can either top dress these organic bits of goodness around the drip line of your plant or till them, a.k.a. work them, into the soil 4-8" deep. Where To Get Spent Coffee The first step is to brew your coffee and save the filter! The second step is to grab a container and dump those bits of organic glory into the bottom. Now look at that black gold and imagine how lush your garden will grow once you amend your soil with this stuff. The next step is to put a cover on it and add to it daily until you are ready to amend your soil! Ready to Amend? Grab a spoon or just use your fingers and sprinkles that "fairy dust" all around the bas